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How Do You Know if She is the ONE

Choosing: painting by first husband, George Fr...

Choosing: painting by first husband, George Frederic Watts, c. 1864 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Katherine Feeney

English: A schematic showing the monogamy rela...

English: A schematic showing the monogamy relationship. The picture makes it clear that 4 types of relationships are possible (male-male, male-female, female-male, female-female), between each of the involved persons in the marriage scheme. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How do you know if she one is The One, really?

For the last four years, online dating company RSVP has been surveying its members in an attempt to better understand the Australian meet market.another-woman_3

In February this year, more than 3500 members were surveyed. Their responses to various questions about love, sex and dating were then weighted by Nielsen to reflect the population. The resulting document – RSVP’s Date of the Nation Report – is out today.

And boy does it contain some interesting facts.

For instance, would it surprise you to know that 71 per cent of single Australians are happy flying solo? Or that 66 per cent of single women have faked an orgasm (compared to 18 per cent of single men…)? And how about the idea most people would like to have sex twice a week (…only twice?).

But perhaps one of the more interesting chunks of information relates to one of the most defining romance constructs known to our kind.

According to the report, 77 per cent of Australians want to spend their life with The One.

That’s a big number. But it’s also a number that’s grown since last year. In 2012, 75 per cent of all Australians wanted to find, and wind-up with The One, For Ever.

Why? Why is The One more attractive now than it was last year?

It’s interesting to note that our attitude to marriage has also changed. In 2012, 67 of all Australians deemed marriage an important institution. That number has shot up to 69 per cent this year. And the amount of unmarried Australians who want to get married has also increased, up from 41 to 43 per cent.

Why? Why is marriage more attractive now than it was last year?

Surely our growing affinity with the idea of The One is linked to the higher value apparently placed on marriage. What the figures show is the old fashioned states of monogamy and matrimony continue to charm the psyches of modern Australians. We certainly see this in the gay marriage debate, whether it’s from those who (misguidedly) seek to protect the sanctity of marriage by trying to prevent same-sex unions, or those in same-sex unions seeking to sanctify their relationship through the institution.

But why is marriage so important? Why is monogamy so popular? What has led to this? Are we becoming more socially conservative?

Regardless of how you might answer these questions, it’s important to note that there’s a big difference between ideals and reality.

Not forgetting the entire segment of the population who couldn’t get married even if they wanted to, consider the latest Census analysis from the Australian Institute of Family Studies which finds the crude marriage rate has hit record lows in recent years.

And while the divorce rate has also dropped, this is partly due to the decline in the number of marriages and growth in the number of couples who are cohabiting. Even so, the AIFS reports more divorces are taking place in long-term relationships, even if most divorces occur after fewer than 10 years of marriage.

What’s interesting is the new attention being paid to the success rate of cohabiting relationships. While there’s less and less robust statistical data to go on in relation to this, research does suggest people in cohabiting relationships are more likely to separate than those in married relationships.

In other words, we may want marriage and monogamy more, but we appear to be getting it less. Perhaps this elusiveness is underscoring the appeal of The Wedding and The One?

Perhaps, yet the fact remains, we don’t seem to be getting what we want when it comes to love. This is not good. Life’s nicer when you achieve your goals. So how do we fix it? How do you get married, and how do you find The One?

Well, figuring out what you actually want might be a good place to start. Saying ‘I want to get married’ or ‘I want to find The One’ is one thing, but actually achieving this goal requires a little more attention to detail. What do you mean when you think, ‘marriage’? What do you mean when you think ‘The One’? You need to know what you’re looking for before you can find it. You may discover a set of characteristics and values appeal to you more than others in other people. But really, the most important thing to find is a sense of self.

Without first coming to terms with who you are, really, your chances of finding the who you can really be with are greatly reduced.

So perhaps the problem is that we’re too busy looking for The One without first discovering the one person we really will spend forever with – ourselves.

How do you know when you’ve found The One? I don’t believe you can answer that question unless you’ve first found yourself.

I wonder how many of us can say they’ve found that.

Have you?

Do you want to find The One? What would you do once you’ve found them? Do you still think marriage is important, or would you organise your relationship another way? Why do you think we put so much emphasis on matrimony and monogamy, and can you be happy any other way

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Text your ex

You wore sweatpants to my grandma’s funeral – and NO it doesn’t matter that they were black.

This was one of the reasons on a list why a young American woman broke up with a young man.

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Dating advice for men useful hints and scientific tips and tricks

How to have any woman you want? Three tips for men dating women

How do you train yourself to have almost any woman you want? Just like anything in life you will have to work on it, there is no substitute for hard work. Here are three tips to help you make that work more effective.

Men have been conditioned by the media and life to believe that it is them who do the chasing. Women desperately want to be wanted. All successful people spend their time and effort building their profile on the road to success, your profile and how you present yourself to the opposite sex is what we are about to discus in this essay.

Firstly you will have to get out from in front of that computer screen and put yourself where you can be seen. Join or go back to church, join a gym, join a club “Just Do It.” You cannot expect to establish social interaction without putting yourself in a position to be seen. Social media is a very useful start. You can develop a circle of likeminded people through facebook and twitter. You can use this media to find out where in your area to hang out. Hang out you must. Unless you get out there nothing will happen.

All decision making in life it all happens in the first minute. You then work out how to make it happen,  then spend the rest of your time justifying that decision.

Self-esteem, it does not matter if you are short, overweight and bald or what you might consider ugly. The partner of your dreams is also very conscious of their own shortcomings. The next tip is to smarten up. Work on it. Get into a routine so that you always appear looking your best. You should join a gym, sporting or social club. By regularly going to a gym or sport you will meet women and improve your looks at the same time. Join the local sporting club, get into a team. You do not need to look like a rat with a gold tooth but you must look like you care for yourself. Appearing to care for yourself and others is important,

The next tip is a little trickier. You have to appear you are already spoken for. There is two things at play here, Firstly everyone including women likes a challenge. Secondly you appear to be road tested. Meaning someone else has done the work to determine if you are worth the effort. Just as when seeking a job, if you have a job it is easier to find another job. Think about it, moving from job to job is much easier than from unemployed to a job. Use one relationship as a stepping stone to the next.

Remember to always treat women (and everybody) with respect, take NO as meaning NO.  Take rejection and move on. Do not waste your time with expensive dinners and presents when you are getting the “NO.” Do not abuse your partner and immediately leave an abusive relationship, things will not improve.

Now get out from in front of that computer, smarten yourself up, join a gym or club and appear to already have women chasing you.